Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-In: 5/12/2010 and Yay for Technology. No, really. Yay.

141.2 el-bees.

I have been in 'n out of the internet loop for the last few days as we make another 'puter transition. Got a new laptop, yes I did. Cheap. But what ain't cheap are the unexpected upgrades you have to make with the upgrade. In this case, the new software and printer to make sweet love to the Windows 7 operating system. Or is it Windows that does the screwing?

Anyway, I'm about 90% back to normal. And I learned that computer stress is no longer a food/alcohol/bennies trigger. Yay for exercise!


  1. I hate computer problems! Hope your new laptop is stress free! :)

  2. It also probably helps to have a sexy IT guy to help with the transition.

  3. Computer issues actually take away my appetite. I never realized that.

  4. "But what ain't cheap are the unexpected upgrades you have to make with the upgrade. In this case, the new software and printer to make sweet love to the Windows 7 operating system. Or is it Windows that does the screwing? "

    That's not only brilliant, but pretty freaking hilarious. And darling... might I say... you look MAHvelous!
