Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Weigh-In: 5/6/2009

Cinco de Mayo passed without indulging in a single margarita or salsa-laden tortilla chip. This must be serious!

Anyway, I weighed in this morning at 157.6. That's a 2.2 lb loss from last week. Very cool. The interval training seems to being paying off quite well.

It's been a hella busy week: training the new secretary (yes, we finally let the other one go), writing briefs, still house hunting and I hurt my knee again, this time doing squats. So, I haven't been around blogland lately dropping the usual comment bombs. And that pains me because I love my morning visits to other blogs. *sniffs*

Well, I'm off to eat my banana, finish my tea and return some phone calls. Real life is such a drag sometimes.


  1. damn it.. You didn't get 3lbs but that is still a great loss, and I am very proud of you! No mojitos or magartitas for you...good girl. I have been bad with the blogging myself and the postings. Sometimes life takes over. Great job and hope those knees get better. How did you manage that? What kinds of squats? I hope none of my recomendations :(

  2. Wow that is great! I am so getting up from this computer and going to work out now!!

    Be kind to your knee.

  3. Great loss! I do miss your comment bombs, you are my favorite commenter (shhhh).

  4. 157? Awesome! What's your end goal weight?

  5. Wowzer, you lost more than two pounds! WTG!

  6. Congrats on the 2 pounds!!! Nice to see that changing up your workout is paying off so well for must be getting close to your goal weight - wow!

  7. Congratulations on all of your hard work! I've been lurking for a while, but wanted to say hello!

  8. you're house hunting, eh? we're thinking of selling ours. you should come over and hunt on my street. i'd offer to cook you dinner, but i don't know how to make things that are healthy. hehe.

  9. Thanks for the encouraging comments, ya'll.

    Kristi--No, it wasn't one of your recommendations. *snorts* Actually, I just aggravated the same injury I got after running. I should have taken a break, but I didn't. It was a standard squat that I do as a warm-up. I screamed "OWWW" and that was that. I so wanted to send you that bottle of Chard. I think 2+ pounds is still pretty close to your prediction. So, high five!

    Patty--I'm honored that you're sweating on my behalf. *gushes*

    Dina--Soon, chica, soon. Just have 2 more days of hectic hell and then I can get caught up on the blogging. I gotta say something about that ashtray.

    Lisa--I don't have a goal. I'm thinking around 140-ish?

    Shelley & Lee--thankie!

    Etta--*waves* hiya! You look fab, btw!

    Phebe--If you have a tray of toasted tater tots with my name on it, I'm there!

  10. Dont work responsibilities suck! how fun would this world be if we could play during the week days and work on the weekends. congrats on your weightloss.


  11. Dang! Good for you! I love intervals. Perhaps I should do some. :)

    Sorry about your knee. That sucks.

    You have really been an inspiration to me. I have been bad, bad, bad about exercising, but now I am feeling the bug again. And that's at least half the battle, right?

  12. What a great loss! The weight, not your knee. I hope only one of them comes back. :) (Take care of it.)

  13. Camevil, when you get a break from all that siily work stuff, please read my post for today.

    I see that somehow I missed a couple of your previous posts...I hate that!!

  14. Good news on the loss! 2 lbs is great :) Too bad about your knee though. Have a great day!
