For someone who:
a) has been house-hunting all weekend,
b) turned into a zombie, walked all over the city in near 90 degree heat, danced & whooped it up to slack masters
The Amino Acids and transformed back into a mortal pinkie later that evening,
c) went on a late-Sunday road trip with Bobzilla, and
d) did more house-hunting today after a long and uncomfortable day at work, ...
...I'm feeling pretty good.
Zombie Walk was uber fun. There must have been around 250 people at this event. You couldn't meet a nicer mob of ghouls.

Bob and I opted to have one of the on-site makeup artists pretty us up. The results were quite acceptable:

Once we took it to the streets, the fun really began. Here's the first wave of zombies approaching the main street. The single cyclist's attempts to shoot us in the head were, ultimately, hilariously ineffective.

And here I am confronting a carload of fresh meat. They were laughing because it was their only defense:

Oh, I did end up going with the zombie jogger theme. One of those obnoxious street joggers who gets her just desserts:

The highlight of the walk was definitely hanging out with Bill Hinzman, the actor who played the cemetery zombie in the original Night of the Living Dead. Bill, or "OZ" (Original Zombie), was a good sport and held his own. Of course, he liked the ladies, which might've had something to do with it:

About the only downside was all that fake blood. My arms are still stained a light pink from where the sun baked that shit into my skin. And there is dried blood all over my cell phone and camera, like hard candy (it was made of corn syrup and chocolate). I also got blood on my shoes. But I'm leaving it on there, as it improves the look.
More pics of the walk can be found
Bob made an excellent vegetarian dinner tonight: potato tacos made with yukon gold potatoes, spinach, tomatillo sauce and soft corn tortillas, spicy tomato rice and refried black beans. All organic and all delicious. Well, accept for the black beans. It's very hard to get refried beans without added seasonings and spices, which taste ick and ruin the natural flavor.
I turned 38 yesterday. I might've had a brownie sundae and bottle of Riesling to commemorate the occasion.